E.g., 06/07/2024
E.g., 06/07/2024
Copyright and Use Policy

Copyright and Use Policy

All content on the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) and the Migration Information Source websites, unless otherwise indicated, is copyrighted and proprietary to MPI. While MPI welcomes use of its work, before you copy, reproduce, display, distribute, or use these materials — in whole or in part — you may need MPI's written consent.

This page lays out when you do and do not need permission to reproduce MPI content, as well as how to request permission. Any reuse of MPI work, whether permission is required or not, should be accompanied by citation of the MPI original. Our preferred credit lines for different types of MPI materials can be found below.


Do I Need Permission?


How Do I Request Permission?

Publishers (academic and commercial)
Visit the Copyright Clearance Center (www.copyright.com) and search for the title or author(s) of the MPI work you would like to reprint. Once you find the title, enter information about how you plan to reuse the materials. You will receive a quote for any applicable reprint/reuse fees and be able to complete the process through this site. If you do not see the title you are looking for, click here to complete a manual request form and a member of MPI staff will be in touch to discuss your request.

Researchers, teachers, government entities, community groups, or other
Click here to complete a permissions request form and a member of MPI staff will be in touch shortly to discuss your request.

Contact Michelle Mittelstadt at +1 202-266-1910, +44 20 8123 6265, or [email protected].


How Should I Cite MPI Materials?

You are welcome to reference or cite MPI materials and do not need permission to do so. Any type of reuse must be accompanied by a full citation. We recommend you include the following information in your citation:

  • Report, article, datatool, or audio/video title
  • Author name(s)
  • Migration Policy Institute, Washington, DC; Migration Policy Institute Europe, Brussels; or Migration Information Source
  • Original publication date
  • URL for the material’s location on the MPI website

The following are examples of how this might look:

Marc R. Rosenblum and Faye Hipsman, Border Metrics: How to Effectively Measure Border Security and Immigration Control (Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute, 2016), www.migrationpolicy.org/research/border-metrics-how-effectively-measure-border-security-and-immigration-control.

Caitlin Katsiaficas, “Asylum Seeker and Migrant Flows in the Mediterranean Adapt Rapidly to Changing Conditions,” Migration Information Source, June 22, 2016, www.migrationpolicy.org/article/asylum-seeker-and-migrant-flows-mediterranean-adapt-changing-conditions.

If MPI material is being reprinted (e.g., in a journal, newspaper, book, or coursepack), we also ask that the following credit line appear, depending on the source of the material requested:

  • For MPI material: Originally published by the Migration Policy Institute. MPI is an independent, nonpartisan think tank in Washington, DC, dedicated to the study of the movement of people worldwide. (www.migrationpolicy.org)
  • For MPI Europe material: Originally published by the Migration Policy Institute Europe. MPI Europe is an independent, nonpartisan research institute in Brussels that aims to provide a better understanding of migration in Europe and promote effective policymaking. (www.migrationpolicy.org)
  • For Migration Information Source material (ISSN 1946-4037): Originally published by the Migration Information Source, the online journal of the Migration Policy Institute, an independent, nonpartisan think tank in Washington, DC, dedicated to the study of the movement of people worldwide. (www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/migration-information-source)
  • For Migration Data Hub material: Originally published on the Migration Policy Institute's Migration Data Hub. (www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/migration-data-hub)