E.g., 06/12/2024
E.g., 06/12/2024
About the Migration Policy Institute

About the Migration Policy Institute

Mission: The Migration Policy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan think tank that seeks to improve immigration and integration policies through authoritative research and analysis, opportunities for learning and dialogue, and the development of new ideas to address complex policy questions.

Few forces have shaped the modern world more than migration. Today, in an era of enhanced mobility and increased economic interconnectedness, well thought-out, pragmatic immigration and integration policies are critical in building a secure and prosperous future in countries around the world.

Founded in 2001, the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) has established itself as a leading nonpartisan, evidence-informed institution in the field of migration policy and as a source of authoritative research, learning opportunities, and new policy ideas. 

MPI maintains a special commitment to work on immigration and integration policies in North America and Europe, where its two offices are located, but it also remains active around the world, and takes a global and comparative approach to migration issues when possible.

The Institute is guided by the belief that countries need to have sensible, well thought-out immigration and integration policies in order to ensure the best outcomes for both immigrants and receiving communities.

To support this, the Migration Policy Institute:

  • Provides accessible and timely data, information, and analysis on immigration and integration issues that cover the major issues on which policymakers and the general public need information
  • Pursues research that fills major gaps of understanding around migration flows and immigration and integration policy
  • Assesses the effectiveness of current immigration and integration policies, as well as the impact of immigration on labor markets, educational outcomes, and social cohesion
  • Promotes a trusted space for dialogue and a series of learning opportunities around ways to address immigration and integration issues
  • Provides technical assistance to policymakers, practitioners, and nongovernmental organizations that are trying to solve specific immigration and integration challenges
  • Develops innovative policy ideas to address immigration and integration challenges more effectively.

MPI is organized into three major program areas:

The U.S. Immigration Policy Program
The National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy
The International Program

MPI also has a number of initiatives, including:

The Latin America and Caribbean Initiative

The Transatlantic Council on Migration

It has a sister organization, MPI Europe, located in Brussels, and it publishes the respected online journal, the Migration Information Source, which provides fresh thought, authoritative data, and global analysis of international migration and refugee trends. It also offers a series of interactive data tools, maps, and other data resources via its user-friendly Migration Data Hub.
MPI is registered by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 nonprofit. MPI has a Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid/Guidestar and is designated a Four-Star Charity by Charity Navigator.