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Andriy Shymonyak
MPI Authors

Andriy Shymonyak

Andriy Shymonyak was a research intern at MPI. Mr. Shymonyak earned bachelors’ degrees in political science and history at North Carolina State University. His research interests include modern European and global history, and the effects of migration on political systems and national identity.

Bio Page Tabs

Coverthumb DataMatters2018
November 2020
By  Jeanne Batalova, Andriy Shymonyak and Michelle Mittelstadt
coverthumb adbbrainnetworks
February 2017
By  Jeanne Batalova, Andriy Shymonyak and Guntur Sugiyarto

Recent Activity

November 2020

This useful online guide links users directly to the most credible, high-quality data on immigrants and immigration in the United States and internationally. The easy-to-use guide includes more than 250 data resources compiled by governmental and nongovernmental sources, covering topics ranging from population stock and flow numbers to statistics on enforcement, public opinion, religious affiliation, and much more.

February 2017

Given diverging demographics, rising educational attainment and wide variation in economic opportunities, countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are poised to see an expansion of both the demand for and supply of skilled migrants willing and able to move. The convergence of these megatrends represents unique opportunities for human-capital development and brain circulation, as this report explores.