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Pete Goldschmidt
MPI Authors

Pete Goldschmidt

Pete Goldschmidt is a Professor in the College of Education at California State University Northridge, where he teaches graduate courses in statistics, research methods, and program evaluation. His expertise includes advanced methods in quasi-experimental analyses and longitudinal modeling, which he applies to program and school evaluations, as well as state accountability.

Dr. Goldschmidt provided technical support to 35 states as they developed their state accountability plans under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). He serves on several state technical advisory committees that provide guidance to support state assessment and school accountability systems. He is also a principal investigator on a project funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Competitive Grants for State Assessment that is developing innovative approaches to monitoring English Learners’ progress toward English language proficiency.

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Cover image for Refining State Accountability Systems for English Learner Success
January 2024
By  Megan Hopkins, Pete Goldschmidt, Julie Sugarman, Delia Pompa and Lorena Mancilla

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January 2024

State accountability systems are designed to identify and close student achievement gaps. Yet most do not report and interpret English Learner (EL) outcomes in a way that paints a full picture of how different instructional services have contributed to academic development. This report sketches a vision for reimagined accountability systems that can support better understanding of ELs’ learning and inform school improvement strategies.