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Samuel Davidoff-Gore
Experts & Staff
Photo of Samuel Davidoff-Gore

Samuel Davidoff-Gore

Associate Policy Analyst

  | @sdavidoffgore

Samuel Davidoff-Gore is an Associate Policy Analyst with MPI’s International Program, where he focuses on asylum and protection policy, forced displacement, and development approaches to refugee situations. In addition, he works on issues related to mobility and the COVID-19 pandemic, with a particular interest in the Middle East and North Africa.

Media Requests
Michelle Mittelstadt
+1 202-266-1910
+44 20 8123 6265
[email protected]

Previously, Mr. Davidoff-Gore interned with MPI and with the German Marshall Fund of the United States’ migration team in Berlin. Prior to that, he worked at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, supporting projects aimed at building the capacity of local electoral management bodies and promoting inclusive elections in Jordan and Libya. 

Mr. Davidoff-Gore holds a master’s degree with honors from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, where he concentrated in international economics and international law and organizations. He earned his bachelor’s degree with honors from Brown University, where he concentrated in international relations. He studied abroad in Amman, Jordan, and has conducted fieldwork in Uganda, Nepal, and Georgia.

Bio Page Tabs

Home Secretary Priti Patel & Rwandan Foreign Affairs Minister Vincent Biruta hold asylum accord
April 2022
By  Hanne Beirens and Samuel Davidoff-Gore

Recent Activity

March 2021

Ten years into Syria's conflict, Syrians remain the largest refugee population worldwide. As they face limited prospects for resettlement or safe return, how can host countries and donors promote resilience for refugees and host communities alike? This report offers examples of creative policy solutions in the areas of protection, social protection, education, livelihoods, and health care from displacement contexts in 16 countries.
