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Selcuk R. Sirin
MPI Authors

Selcuk R. Sirin

Selcuk R. Sirin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Psychology at New York University. Using mixed methods, Dr. Sirin’s research focuses on the lives of immigrant and minority children and ways to increase professionals’ ability to better serve them. He is the recipient of Young Scholar Award from the Foundation for Child Development for his work on immigrant children, and the Review of Research Award from the American Educational Research Association (AERA) given in recognition of an outstanding article published in education.

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Pages from Covers Sirin Rogers
October 2015
By  Selcuk R. Sirin and Lauren Rogers-Sirin

Recent Activity

October 2015

Approximately 40 percent of the 4 million-plus Syrians who have fled the country are under age 12, most encountering disruptions and barriers to their education in countries of first asylum. This report examines the experiences of Syrian refugee children, their educational and mental health needs,and possible responses that governments should consider in resettling this vulnerable population.