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Sunder Katwala
MPI Authors

Sunder Katwala

Sunder Katwala is the Director of British Future. He was General Secretary of the Fabian Society think tank from 2003 to 2011, and also has worked as a journalist.

He was an editorial writer and Internet editor at the Observer, a research director of the Foreign Policy Centre, and commissioning editor for politics and economics at the publisher Macmillan.

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May 2016
By  Sunder Katwala and Will Somerville

Recent Activity

May 2016

This report analyzes British polling data in a bid to paint a more accurate picture of public opinion on immigration in the United Kingdom, which is often described as having particularly hostile attitudes compared to other countries. The report examines several drivers of public opinion, including media coverage, and considers how recent migration policies can be linked to public opinion—including the call for a Brexit referendum.