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E.g., 04/29/2024
Toolkit for Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Migrant Integration
January 2023

Toolkit for Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Migrant Integration

Research and data are powerful tools in any policy area. Using this evidence to inform how policies are designed and implemented helps governments learn what works (and what does not) and under which conditions. It also helps ensure that public funds are used as effectively and efficiently as possible. In the integration field, the smart use of evidence can promote the well-being of both migrants and the broader societies in which they live.

This toolkit aims to help policymakers, program implementers, and other actors involved in migrant integration efforts more fully leverage evidence in their work, and thus promote the development of an evidence culture in the field. First, in Sections 1 through 4, it presents tools and strategies to infuse evidence into different phases of the policy cycle—from policy design and implementation to program evaluation and dissemination of the evidence collected. Then, in Sections 5 and 6, the toolkit offers resources on two issues that are important throughout the cycle: funding and stakeholder engagement.

The toolkit can either be downloaded in full, or as individual sections using the links in the Table of Contents below.