E.g., 06/10/2024
E.g., 06/10/2024
How Can Europe Deliver on the Potential of Talent Partnerships?

Europe faces a looming shortage in skilled workers, one linked to both growing demand in knowledge- and service-intensive sectors and to its aging population and shrinking workforce. For education and training systems, the question is how to train people for the jobs of tomorrow. For migration policymakers, the question is how to attract and retain foreign workers with in-demand skills and experience to help address the shortfall.

These priorities are reflected in the European Commission’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum and in the Talent Partnerships the pact proposes. These partnerships will combine new mobility schemes for workers or students from certain non-EU countries with related investments in capacity-building in partner countries, with the aim of attracting talent to Europe and fostering deeper cooperation with third countries on migration.

As the European Commission and its partners prepare to launch the first Talent Partnerships in 2022, this MPI Europe policy brief explores how and under what conditions the partnerships could help meet Europe’s labor market needs and provide more tangible benefits for partner countries and migrants themselves. It draws on the experiences of the European Union’s legal migration pilot projects and other past mobility schemes, as well as expert insights, to offer lessons learned on issues including: selecting which countries to partner with, building flexibility into mobility schemes, and thinking critically about how these schemes can dovetail with other policy interventions.

Table of Contents 

1  Introduction

2  Achieving the "Talent" in Talent Partnerships: Meeting Europe’s Labor Market Needs
A. Where Are Needs Most Acute?
B. How Can Mobility Schemes Help Address These Needs?

3  Achieving the "Partnership" in Talent Partnerships: Boosting Development Benefits for Migrants and Origin Countries
A. Investing in Capacity-Building in Third Countries
B. Building a Pipeline for Talent

4  Conclusions and Recommendations