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Alisa B. Miller
MPI Authors

Alisa B. Miller

Alisa B. Miller is Research Associate at the Refugee Trauma and Resilience Center at Boston Children’s Hospital, Assistant in Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Boston Children’s Hospital, and an Instructor in psychology at Harvard Medical School.

Her research interests include exposure to trauma, identity development, cultural factors, and the impact these have on refugee and immigrant family and community functioning. Her overarching interest is reducing mental health disparities among refugee and immigrant groups and the well-being of youth in U.S. communities.

Dr. Miller received her PhD in clinical psychology from Boston University.

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October 2016
By  B. Heidi Ellis, Erin N. Hulland , Alisa B. Miller, Colleen Barrett Bixby, Barbara Lopes Cardozo and Theresa S. Betancourt

Recent Activity

October 2016

Somali and Bhutanese refugees are two of the largest groups recently resettled in the United States and Canada. This report examines factors that might promote or undermine the mental health and overall well-being of children of these refugees, with regard to factors such as past exposure to trauma, parental mental health, educational attainment, social support, and discrimination.