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Andrew Kalweit
MPI Authors

Andrew Kalweit

Andrew Kalweit was an intern at MPI, where he provided research and writing support on projects related to the integration of immigrant youth and families in social service systems.

Prior to MPI, Mr. Kalweit worked at the intersection of behavioral sciences and population health research, including field research on psychosocial support and educational programming with children on the move through Serbia. He has conducted research projects on topics including sleep health, LGBT smoking interventions, and environmental health disparities in immigrant communities.

Mr. Kalweit holds a master of public health degree from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, with an emphasis in the social determinants of health and health disparities, and bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and comparative human development from the University of Chicago.

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Coverthumb ImmigrantFamiliesChildWelfare
April 2019
By  Mark Greenberg, Randy Capps, Andrew Kalweit, Jennifer Grishkin and Ann Flagg

Recent Activity

April 2019

With the children of immigrants a growing share of all U.S. children, and federal immigration enforcement and other policies undergoing significant change, some state and local child welfare agencies are developing new ways to improve how they work with immigrant families. This report examines key cultural, linguistic, and legal challenges, and how agencies are adjusting staffing, training, placement, and other policies to tackle them.