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Donald J. Hernandez
MPI Authors

Donald J. Hernandez

Donald J. Hernandez is a Professor in the Department of Sociology at Hunter College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York, as well as Senior Advisor at the Foundation for Child Development.

He is the author of America’s Children: Resources from Family, Government, and the Economy (Russell Sage Foundation, 1993), the first national research using children as the unit of analysis to document the timing, magnitude, and reasons for revolutionary changes experienced by children since the Great Depression in family composition, parent’s education, father’s and mother’s work, and family income and poverty.


Recent Activity

April 2012

This report finds that the 813,000 U.S. children under the age of 10 who have Black immigrant parents from Africa or the Caribbean generally fall in the middle of multiple well-being indicators, faring less well than Asian and white children but better than their native-born Black and Hispanic peers. Citizenship status, English proficiency, parental characteristics, poverty, housing, and access to social supports are examined.