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Laurie Baksh
MPI Authors

Laurie Baksh

Laurie Baksh is Manager of the Maternal and Infant Health Program at the Utah Department of Health. Prior to that, she worked for ten years as an epidemiologist for the Utah Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System.

Ms. Baksh received a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science and health and a master of public health degree from the University of Utah.

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November 2016
By  Jane M. Dyer and Laurie Baksh

Recent Activity

November 2016

Resettled African refugee women may experience particularly acute complications during pregnancy, birth, and the child's early infancy. Yet health care-providers and policymakers may not be aware of the particular challenges that these women and their children face. This report, examining women giving birth in Utah over a seven-year period, compares perinatal complications of the African born and a segment of the U.S. born.