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Sarah Dryden-Peterson
MPI Authors

Sarah Dryden-Peterson

Sarah Dryden-Peterson is an Assistant Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she leads a research program focusing on the connections between education and community development, specifically the role that education plays in building peaceful and participatory societies. Her work is situated in conflict and postconflict settings in sub-Saharan Africa and with African diaspora communities in the United States and Canada.

She is concerned with the interplay between local experiences of children, families, and teachers and the development and implementation of national and international policy. Her research reflects connections between practice, policy, and scholarship and is strengthened through long-term collaborations with UN agencies, NGOs, and communities.

Dr. Dryden-Peterson previously taught middle school in Boston and founded nonprofits in Uganda and South Africa. She has an Ed.D degree from Harvard University, an M.A. from Tufts University, and an M.Phil. from the University of Cape Town.

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Recent Activity

October 2015

The pre-resettlement experiences of refugee children can have significant ramifications on their relationships with teachers and peers and on their academic advancement once resettled. This report explores the educational histories of young refugee children in first-asylum countries and identifies elements that are relevant to postresettlement education in the United States.