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Scott Vaughan
MPI Authors

Scott Vaughan

Scott Vaughan is currently director of the Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment at the Organization of American States.  He was previously a visiting scholar with the Carnegie Endowment’s Trade, Equity, and Development Project. He left in October 2003 and worked on issues related to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and NAFTA.

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cover NAFTA04
January 2004
By  Demetrios G. Papademetriou, John J. Audley, Sandra Polaski and Scott Vaughan

Recent Activity

January 2004

During the 1990s, NAFTA was promoted by both U.S. and Mexican officials as a means to spur economic growth and job creation in Mexico and thereby reduce the number of unauthorized migrants entering the U.S. from Mexico each year. This report takes a critical look at NAFTA’s impact on regulating migration from Mexico to the United States.