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Addressing Trauma in Young Children in Immigrant and Refugee Families through Early Childhood Programs
April 3, 2019

MPI Webinar

Addressing Trauma in Young Children in Immigrant and Refugee Families through Early Childhood Programs

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Addressing Trauma in Young Children in Immigrant and Refugee Families through Early Childhood Programs

Powerpoint Files 

Jessica Dym Bartlett, Co-Director, Early Childhood Research, Child Trends

Aimee Hilado, Wellness Program Senior Manager, RefugeeOne

Caitlin Katsiaficas, Associate Policy Analyst, Migration Policy Institute (MPI)

Maki Park, Senior Policy Analyst for Early Education and Care, MPI

Many young children of immigrants and refugees are affected by trauma, whether directly or through their parents or other family members. Early childhood programs have the potential to play an important role in identifying and addressing infant and early childhood mental-health challenges for immigrant families that may result from exposure to trauma and other stressors. However, their capacity to take a trauma-informed approach in their services and provide appropriate support and referrals—especially with regard to immigrant, refugee, and other culturally and linguistically diverse families—is limited.

During this webinar, speakers discuss the intersection of trauma and early childhood development, exploring how migration-related trauma and stressors can influence the wellbeing of young children of immigrants. Researchers from MPI's National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy provide an overview of a MPI policy brief that seeks to raise awareness of this issue and points to key opportunities for states to support, through early childhood and other programs, the healthy socioemotional development of young children of immigrants and refugees who have experienced trauma. Jessica Dym Bartlett discusses efforts to integrate trauma-informed approaches into early childhood systems, with a focus on opportunities to expand access and quality of these services specifically for immigrant and refugee families with young children. Aimee Hilado, with the largest refugee resettlement agency in Illinois, discusses how home visiting services can effectively address trauma and mental health through a two-generation approach.

Registration deadline for this event has passed.