E.g., 06/19/2024
E.g., 06/19/2024


Transit camp for Ukrainian refugees in Romania.
IOM/Alissa Everett 2022
April 25, 2024

Featuring the IOM Deputy Director General for Operations, this webinar will discuss the latest MPI-IOM research exploring the rich tapestry of human mobility in a post-pandemic world, with climate change adding to the complexity of movements.

Family with baby daughter at home
April 5, 2024

Speakers will discuss the importance of infant and early childhood mental health services, highlighting approaches that have successfully connected immigrant and refugee families with beneficial and culturally relevant services. They also will offer recommendations to expand accessibility and responsiveness of these services.

Displaced Ukrainian woman walks along the Danube River in Bratislava
IOM 2022
March 4, 2024

On the second anniversary of the first-ever activation of the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD), this MPI Europe webinar considers how the European Union can continue supporting millions of displaced Ukrainians, what may happen when the TPD expires in a year, and what are other innovative approaches to temporary status taken globally.

Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with recently resettled Afghans and with staff members and volunte
State Department
November 30, 2023

This conversation considered the importance of community consultation in the rapidly evolving U.S. refugee resettlement landscape and explored actionable steps toward a more inclusive, collaborative, and adaptable process.

Market on a dirt road in an African community
Peace Corps
November 16, 2023

This webinar examines the challenges that refugees and other migrants face in—and place on—secondary cities, municipal capacity to respond to needs, the types of support required at national and other levels, and how development actors can better partner with secondary cities and local actors. The discussion features the launch of a related report.

Twin sisters from Syria shared their experience of living in exile
Jesuit Refugee Service International
November 14, 2023

With the Global Refugee Forum approaching, this webcast explores how municipalities and other key stakeholders can be engaged in informing and delivering on the 2024 resettlement and complementary pathways pledges. 

2019.9.26 3EVENT PHOTO colmex mpi event
September 26, 2019

Presentación del reporte que refleja el contenido de encuentros del grupo de estudio sobre la migración México-Estados Unidos convocado por El Colegio de México y el Migration Policy Institute (MPI).

Flickr SweetwaterISDCowen Early Childhood CenterNationalTeddyBearDay
August 28, 2019

This MPI webinar marks the release of a policy brief that explores program and policy opportunities to improve home visiting services for immigrant and DLL families currently underparticipating in these programs due to a lack of culturally and linguistically responsive programming and other barriers

EVENT PH 2019.8.20 DeParle release1
August 20, 2019

This event marked the launch of New York Times reporter Jason DeParle's book tracing the arc of migration as a phenomenon, witnessed through three decades observing a particular Filipino family moving from Manila to Texas. The conversation explored both the human and policy aspects of migration and development.

Rethinking Immigration5
August 12, 2019

This event marks the launch of a major new initiative—Rethinking U.S. Immigration Policy—that aims to generate a big-picture, evidence-driven vision of the role immigration can and should play in America’s future in order to leverage a comparative advantage for the nation.

flickr EUCivilProtectionHumanitarianAidOperations Refugee crisis in the Western Balkans
July 15, 2019

With thousands more migrants potentially traveling through the Western Balkans this year, this MPI Europe webinar explores the implications of the buttressed EU border on the bloc’s neighbors, including the issues of outsourcing migration control, EU support for addressing irregular migration in neighboring countries, and considerations for EU policymakers.


ICE ERO in Chicago   flickr
July 10, 2018

A Spanish language webinar examining the operation of today’s interior enforcement system and how state and local governments, civil society, and consulates are responding.    

flickr 21st Century Classroom 4571643113_f2e840ee38_z
June 27, 2018

Marking the release of an MPI brief, this webinar summarizes the key features of English Learner (EL) instructional models and discuss state- and district-level approaches to supporting schools in implementing effective EL program models.

FLICKR   Duane Reade food Stamps Benefits   419429614_f6c6bd7152_z
June 12, 2018

MPI experts discuss an expected Trump administration public-charge rule that could have wide-reaching effects on the ability of immigrants legally present in the country to get a green card as well as who could qualify to enter the United States. The webinar focuses on an MPI report assessing how the proposed rule could affect future benefits usage by immigrants and their U.S.-citizen children.

Flickr UNHCR Abdu finds his voice in Germany
April 17, 2018

Focused on the findings from MPI Europe's recent report, Scaling up Refugee Resettlement in Europe: The Role of Institutional Peer Support, this webinar examines major challenges facing refugee resettlement peer-support projects in Europe and how some of these obstacles have been overcome by providing the right tools and expertise. 

flick EU ECHO refugee children
April 12, 2018

Marking the release of an MPI report, this webinar examines the challenges and successes major host countries in Europe and North America are experiencing in providing high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) services for children from refugee and asylum seeker families.
