E.g., 06/18/2024
E.g., 06/18/2024


Video July 9, 2019

This event features a smart conversation by a range of experts on U.S.-Mexico border conditions, looking at policy responses by both countries and regional cooperation.

Beyond Walls and Tariffs: Responding to Migration Challenges at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Beyond Walls and Tariffs: Responding to Migration Challenges at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Beyond walls and tariffs: Responding to migration challenges at the US-Mexico border | LIVE STREAM

CBPAgent AdminHelp1
July 30, 2009

This webinar examines the E-Verify system, offering short- and long-term recommendations for improving gaps in employment verification and addressing an "employer-centric" design that exacerbates existing problems.

multimedia EPUP2009
Video, Audio
May 20, 2009
Award winners for the inaugural year of the E Pluribus Unum Prizes program were honored at a reception at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC in 2009.
