E.g., 06/07/2024
E.g., 06/07/2024


Video, Audio, Webinars October 11, 2023

White House and Department of Health and Human Services officials join a leading language access advocate and MPI's Margie McHugh in a conversation exploring executive-branch efforts related to language access provision, upcoming actions, and opportunities to improve the provision of information and services in languages other than English in federal programs.

Improving Language Access in Federal Programs: What Is the State of Play?

Improving Language Access in Federal Programs: What Is the State of Play?

Improving Language Access in Federal Programs: What Is the State of Play?

CBPAgent AdminHelp1
July 30, 2009

This webinar examines the E-Verify system, offering short- and long-term recommendations for improving gaps in employment verification and addressing an "employer-centric" design that exacerbates existing problems.

multimedia EPUP2009
Video, Audio
May 20, 2009
Award winners for the inaugural year of the E Pluribus Unum Prizes program were honored at a reception at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC in 2009.
