E.g., 06/02/2024
E.g., 06/02/2024


Audio March 15, 2018

This discussion, featuring California's Labor Commissioner and the head of the Tennessee Bureau of Workers' Compensation, launched a report that examines state innovations in labor standards enforcement in low-wage, immigrant-dense industries. With wage underpayment, payroll fraud, and other violations widespread in industries such as construction and car-washing, the discussion focused on how targeted enforcement can deter practices that hurt native-born and immigrant workers alike, cost state tax revenue, and disadvantage law-abiding employers. 

State and Local Labor Standards Enforcement in Immigrant-Dense Industries

State and Local Labor Standards Enforcement in Immigrant-Dense Industries

State and Local Labor Standards Enforcement in Immigrant-Dense Industries

multimedia IllegalImmEffectsEconomy
Video, Audio
December 2, 2009

Illegal immigration's overall impact on the U.S. economy is negligible, despite clear benefits for employers and unauthorized immigrants and slightly depressed wages for low-skilled native workers, according to UCSD Professor of Economics Gordon Hanson.

multimedia Talent,Comp,Mig
October 28, 2009
This book release and discussion focused on the accumulation of talent and its effects on economic growth and migration trends.
September 10, 2009
A panel discussion exploring whether ICE is capable of meeting legal standards and manage its detention system with ICE's Dora Schriro, Detention Watch Network's Andrea Black, and MPI expert Donald Kerwin.
CBPAgent AdminHelp1
July 30, 2009

This webinar examines the E-Verify system, offering short- and long-term recommendations for improving gaps in employment verification and addressing an "employer-centric" design that exacerbates existing problems.

July 20, 2009
This discussion focuses on E-Verify, the federal government's electronic employment verification system, and the release of an MPI report that assesses the program's strengths and weaknesses.
June 24, 2009

This conference offers law and policy analysis and discussion on cutting-edge immigration issues.

multimedia EPUP2009
Video, Audio
May 20, 2009
Award winners for the inaugural year of the E Pluribus Unum Prizes program were honored at a reception at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC in 2009.
2009.5.15 MPI Symposium on Citizenship screen shot
May 15, 2009

MPI's symposium on citizenship examined immigrant civic and political participation, the notion of local voting rights for noncitizens, the concept and practice of dual citizenship, and the role of citizenship in immigrant integration.
