E.g., 06/02/2024
E.g., 06/02/2024


Video, Audio, Webinars January 21, 2016

Experts Delia Pompa and Margie McHugh examine provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) related to the success of immigrant and English-learner students during this webinar, answering questions about the new law's implementation and possible impacts.

Taking Stock of ESSA’s Potential Impact on Immigrant and English-Learner Students

Taking Stock of ESSA’s Potential Impact on Immigrant and English-Learner Students

Taking Stock of ESSA’s Potential Impact on Immigrant and English-Learner Students

multimedia EPUP2009
Video, Audio
May 20, 2009
Award winners for the inaugural year of the E Pluribus Unum Prizes program were honored at a reception at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC in 2009.
2009.5.15 MPI Symposium on Citizenship screen shot
May 15, 2009

MPI's symposium on citizenship examined immigrant civic and political participation, the notion of local voting rights for noncitizens, the concept and practice of dual citizenship, and the role of citizenship in immigrant integration.
