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David Justino
MPI Authors

David Justino

David Justino is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the New University of Lisbon, Adviser to the President for Social Affairs, and President of the National Council of Education.

Professor Justino has occupied a number of political positions in the field of immigrant integration, housing, and education, including serving as Portugal's Minister of Education (2002-04).

He has a degree in economics and a PhD in sociology.

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coverthumb_TCM Emigration Portugal
February 2016
By  David Justino

Recent Activity

February 2016

While emigration increased after Portugal plunged into an economically turbulent period amid the global financial crisis, the country's image as the poster child for post-crisis outmigration may be misplaced. This report explores the scale, drivers, and impact of emigration from Portugal since the turn of the millennium, and examines how the country can stem emigration and promote the return of emigrants.