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The Road Ahead: Coordination Challenges of Implementing the GCM
December 6, 2018

Roseraie Room, Palmeraie Conference Center, Marrakech

The Road Ahead: Coordination Challenges of Implementing the GCM

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UN photo

Ilse Hahn, Head of Division on Policy Issues of Displacement and Migration, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Kathleen Newland, Co-Founder and Senior Fellow, Migration Policy Institute

Eva Akerman-Börje, Senior Policy Advisor to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration, Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General

Stephane Jaquemet, Director of Policy, International Catholic Migration Commission


Arturo Cabrera, representative of GFMD 2019 Chair

The Member States of the United Nations convened in Marrakech on 10 and 11 December to adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM). While the compact itself was the product of intense negotiations and many compromises, the road from Marrakech will be at least as challenging as the one that led to the Marrakech conference. Negotiated in the shadow of the 2015-2016 global migration crises, the promise of the compact rests on a recognition that addressing the challenges, and capturing the benefits, of migration requires true international cooperation. Achieving real, meaningful action on the commitments agreed to in Marrakech will thus require a renewed commitment to coordination among countries of origin, destination, and transit as well as UN agencies, donors, and implementing partners. 

To explore these challenges, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) convened a side event at the Global Forum on Migration in Marrakech that looked toward “The Road Ahead: Coordination Challenges of Implementing the GCM.” Panelists considered where coordination is most needed to achieve the commitments laid out in the GCM, and what mechanisms can make coordination at all levels more effective, particularly as the International Organization for Migration enters the UN system.   

NOTE: Only those with GFMD credentials will be admitted to the venue. MPI cannot provide GFMD credentials. 

Registration deadline for this event has passed.
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