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Aaron Clark-Ginsberg
MPI Authors

Aaron Clark-Ginsberg

Aaron Clark-Ginsberg is a Social Scientist at the nonpartisan RAND Corporation and a Professor of Policy Analysis at Pardee RAND Graduate School. He is a disaster researcher by training, with a focus on disaster reduction and community resilience. He also leads RAND’s Mass Migration Strategy Group, where he supports RAND’s community of researchers engaging in mass migration research.

Dr. Clark-Ginsberg earned his PhD at University College Dublin, as part of which he went to ten low- and middle-income countries to conduct research on community resilience in vulnerable and marginalized communities. Before joining RAND, he was a postdoc researching critical infrastructure protection.

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Cover image for Migration Narratives in Northern Central America
June 2023
By  Ariel G. Ruiz Soto, Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan, Aaron Clark-Ginsberg, Alejandra Lopez and Alejandro Vélez Salas

Recent Activity

June 2023

El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras have long histories of emigration, but are seeing increasing transit and return migration as well. This report explores the stories told within these three countries about migration in all its forms, how these narratives intersect with (and at times, contradict) each other, and how they influence policy decisions and public opinion.