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How Migration Can Advance Development Goals (Transatlantic Council Statement)
May 2014

How Migration Can Advance Development Goals (Transatlantic Council Statement)

The Transatlantic Council on Migration convened to explore the connection between international migration and development. Although migration has a strong impact on the living standards of vast numbers of people, the solid evidence base that demonstrates the varied linkages between migration and development is underexplored and underappreciated—and thus policymakers do not draw upon it as much as they should.

In advance of the May 14-16 meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), the Council statement identifies the areas of greatest consensus, and offers pragmatic policy recommendations on how countries can cooperate on migration and develpoment issues. The Council notes that GFMD and the ongoing effort to incorporate migration into the post-2015 United Nations development agenda are important next steps in making meaningful progress in harnessing the power of migration for improved development outcomes. 

The statement follows a series of policy briefs outlining "what we know" about migration and development. Among the most promising areas for more robust international cooperation that the Council identifies are reducing the costs of migration and helping remittance receivers in origin countries put these resources to maximal use. Another area ready for greater collaboration between origin and destination countries is devising qualification recognition and training systems to ensure that migrants’ skills are not wasted—and that they can make the greatest contribution to the communities in which they settle.

Table of Contents 

I. Introduction

II. Recommendations on Building and Using Evidence on the Migration and Development Relationship

III. Where Does the Impetus to Cooperate on Migration Issues Come From—and What Tools Do We Have?

IV. Recommendations: How to Move Forward on the Clear Areas of Consensus

V. Conclusion