E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Migration Information Source - Articles by 'United States' Term

Articles - United States

William Kandel of the USDA and Emilio Parrado of Duke University take stock of the complex interaction between migration and the U.S. meat-packing industry.
Cap on H-2B Visas Reached... Border Initiative to Use Predator Drones... Border Restrictions Eased for Some Mexicans... DHS Issues Rules for Safe Third-Country Agreement...
Jeffrey Passel of the Urban Institute provides a context for understanding the presence of roughly 5.3 million unauthorized Mexican immigrants in the United States.
Bush Proposes $40.2 Billion FY2005 DHS Budget... Judge Faults Adjustment Delays for Approved Asylees... H-1B Cap Reached Months Before End of FY2004... Fee Increase Proposed for Immigration Applications and Services...

MPI’s Elizabeth Grieco and Brian Ray outline the characteristics of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. workforce.

MPI President Demetrios Papademetriou maps out the historic challenges and opportunities in U.S.-Mexico relations in the wake of President Bush's immigration reform proposal.

MPI Senior Fellow and former INS Commissioner Doris Meissner examines the challenges and opportunities, past and present, posed by temporary migrant labor programs.

Jorge Durand examines Mexico's long history of and ambivalent attitude toward migration to the U.S..

Mexican negotiators seek shared responsibility over U.S.-Mexico migration issues, according to Gustavo Mohar, former chief negotiator for migration affairs at the Mexican Embassy in the U.S..

MPI Data Manager Elizabeth Grieco provides an overview of the fifth-largest immigrant group in the United States.

MPI's Maia Jachimowicz outlines the latest developments affecting U.S. migration policy, focusing President George W. Bush's announcement regarding undocumented immigrants.
First Phase of US-VISIT Becomes Operational... Ridge Discusses Need to Legalize Undocumented Population... Canada Creates Ministry as Counterpart to DHS... Settlements Expected in Two IRCA Class-Action Lawsuits...

MPI Data Manager Elizabeth Grieco provides an overview of the fourth-largest immigrant group in the United States.

Jennifer Van Hook of Bowling Green State University examines the increase in poverty among the children of immigrants in the United States.
Special Registration Program to End... Government to Promote Immigrant Integration... Congress Backs Expanded Employment Verification Scheme... Naturalization of Immigrants in the Armed Forces Expedited...

MPI Data Manager Elizabeth Grieco provides an overview of the third-largest immigrant group in the United States.

Homeland Security Dept. Takes Charge of Visa Policy... Homeland Security Appropriations Exceed Bush Proposal... Training Begins for 'One Face At The Border'... Food Stamps Restored to Immigrant Children...

MPI Data Manager Elizabeth Grieco provides an overview of the second-largest immigrant group in the United States.

Machine-Readable Passport Requirement Delayed One Year... California Allows Undocumented Immigrants to Obtain Driver's License... US-VISIT Confronts Criticism, Potential Setbacks... Annual Cap for H-1B Visa Holders Slashed... New Citizenship Office Chief Appointed... TPS Extended for Burundians and Sudanese, Terminated for Sierra Leonians...

MPI Data Manager Elizabeth Grieco provides an overview of the largest immigrant group in the United States.
