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Brian Ray
MPI Authors

Brian Ray

Brian Ray was formerly a Researcher/Policy Analyst at the Migration Policy Institute examining immigrant integration and public policy. Dr. Ray is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Ottawa. For the most part, Dr. Ray’s work examines different aspects of immigrant integration in North American and European cities.

Bio Page Tabs

A steady stream of research since the 2001 census has highlighted the ways in which Canada is changing socially and demographically. In this updated profile, Brian Ray of the University of Ottawa examines debates over highly skilled migrants, the latest refugee numbers, and integration trends.

Audrey Kobayashi of Queen's University and Brian Ray of the University of Ottawa look at the likelihood of Americans leaving home in response to the recent elections.

MPI’s Elizabeth Grieco and Brian Ray outline the characteristics of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. workforce.

MPI Policy Analyst Brian Ray takes an in-depth look at the importance of cities in the process of immigrant integration.

What does integration mean in a dynamic and culturally diverse socio-political context? MPI Policy Analyst Brian Ray examines the difficulties that lie ahead for policy makers.

Recent Activity

A steady stream of research since the 2001 census has highlighted the ways in which Canada is changing socially and demographically. In this updated profile, Brian Ray of the University of Ottawa examines debates over highly skilled migrants, the latest refugee numbers, and integration trends.

Audrey Kobayashi of Queen's University and Brian Ray of the University of Ottawa look at the likelihood of Americans leaving home in response to the recent elections.

October 2004

The 1990s marked a distinct shift in the destinations of newcomers to the United States from traditional reception cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston and increasingly towards small and medium sized-cities. In response to this shift, a unique pilot project conducted in three mid-sized metropolitan areas shows that broad-based community coalitions can proactively integrate newcomers who are increasingly transforming Main St., USA.

April 2004

This report analyzes the housing status of immigrants in the 100 largest metropolitan areas in the United States with respect to homeownership. In addition, it examines the factors that appear to influence homeownership among immigrants, and the programs and initiatives that can encourage homeownership among these groups.


MPI’s Elizabeth Grieco and Brian Ray outline the characteristics of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. workforce.

March 2004

La década de los noventa fue extraordinaria en términos de cantidad y diversidad cultural de trabajadores migratorios que vinieron a vivir a los Estados Unidos. Recién estamos comenzando a comprender las implicaciones a largo plazo de las decisiones y medidas tomadas por los trabajadores migratorios y por las instituciones americanas durante este período de fuerte crecimiento económico.


MPI Policy Analyst Brian Ray takes an in-depth look at the importance of cities in the process of immigrant integration.

What does integration mean in a dynamic and culturally diverse socio-political context? MPI Policy Analyst Brian Ray examines the difficulties that lie ahead for policy makers.