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E.g., 06/13/2024
Henry Sherrell
MPI Authors

Henry Sherrell

Henry Sherrell is a policy analyst with experience in government, consulting, and research and has worked as an independent researcher focusing on Australian and international immigration policy. Previously, he worked for the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Migration Council Australia, a federal member of parliament, the Federal Parliamentary Library, and the Development Policy Centre at the Australian National University.

He currently works for the Grattan Institute, a domestic economic and social policy think tank.

Mr. Sherrell holds a master of public policy degree from the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University and a bachelor of arts from the Australian National University.

Recent Activity

March 2022

Cooperation with other countries has become a central part of Australian border enforcement. Partnerships with countries such as Indonesia, Cambodia, Nauru, and Papua New Guinea have helped Australia curb irregular maritime migration, but also come at significant costs. This report explores the current and future role of cooperation in Australian immigration enforcement policy.