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Radu-Mihai Triculescu
MPI Authors

Radu-Mihai Triculescu

Radu-Mihai Triculescu was an Associate Policy Analyst at MPI Europe, where he focused on the implementation of the Common European Asylum System and the European Union’s Pact on Migration and Asylum.

Prior to joining MPI Europe, Dr. Triculescu was a public affairs associate in Romania, as well as a personal adviser on European and international affairs to the Romanian Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Dr. Triculescu holds a PhD in public administration from the University of Twente in the Netherlands. His research focused on the bureaucratic norms of implementation of the European Union’s asylum legislation, and their effects on the harmonization of policies across the bloc. He has also completed a joint master’s program in international migration and social cohesion at the University of Amsterdam, University of Deusto, and University of Osnabruck; a master of science in international affairs from Florida State University; and a bachelor of arts in international affairs and political science from Florida State University.

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Cover image for Putting Migrant Reintegration Programs to the Test: A Road Map to a Monitoring System
January 2022
By  Lucía Salgado, Radu-Mihai Triculescu, Camille Le Coz and Hanne Beirens

Recent Activity

January 2022

The European push to increase migrant returns has led to new investments in assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) programs. Yet it is hard to tell whether these investments are paying off. This report explores what is and is not known about returnee reintegration, and how improved monitoring and evaluation would help bridge knowledge gaps and inform future decisions about programming, funding, and strategy.