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Francisco Alba
MPI Authors

Francisco Alba

Francisco Alba is Professor and Researcher at El Colegio de México. An economist by training (San Luis Potosi University, 1970), he also studied philosophy (Gregorian University, Rome, 1962) and has completed post-graduate work in demography and other social science in Mexico, France, and the United States.

He serves as a member of the Governing Council of El Colegio de México (2008-13) and as a member of the Advisory Council of Mexico’s National Migration Institute (since 2001).

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Cover_RMSG AlbaCastillo
October 2012
By  Francisco Alba and Manuel Ángel Castillo

Fundamental demographic, economic, and educational changes have set Mexico on a new path, significantly altering its migration-related priorities and concerns vis-a-vis the United States and Central America. This article examines new migration trends, Mexico's role as a country of transit and increasingly of destination, the 2011 migration law, remittances, government policies on the Mexican diaspora, and more.

The recent recession has affected Mexicans in the United States, new flows northward, and remittances to Mexico. Francisco Alba of El Colegio de México examines the latest trends as well as Mexican government policies toward the diaspora, Mexico's role as a transit country, and immigrants and refugee and asylees in Mexico.

Recent Activity


Fundamental demographic, economic, and educational changes have set Mexico on a new path, significantly altering its migration-related priorities and concerns vis-a-vis the United States and Central America. This article examines new migration trends, Mexico's role as a country of transit and increasingly of destination, the 2011 migration law, remittances, government policies on the Mexican diaspora, and more.

October 2012

This report outlines the long-standing pattern of government inattention to borders in Central America's Northern Triangle – probing root causes that range from institutional, economic, and resource challenges to corruption and weak government structures.


The recent recession has affected Mexicans in the United States, new flows northward, and remittances to Mexico. Francisco Alba of El Colegio de México examines the latest trends as well as Mexican government policies toward the diaspora, Mexico's role as a transit country, and immigrants and refugee and asylees in Mexico.