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Neeraj Kaushal
MPI Authors

Neeraj Kaushal

Neeraj Kaushal is Professor of social policy at the Columbia University School of Social Work and chair of the school's doctoral program. She is also a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a research fellow at IZA, the Institute of Labor Economics.

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Policy Briefs
July 2006
By  Michael Fix and Neeraj Kaushal
Photo of India gate in Delhi, India featuring names of protestors killed in anti-Citizenship Act demonstrations

The Modi government's push for a Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens sparked deadly riots and chilled India's 200 million Muslims, who fear being relegated to second-class citizenship—and for some, even statelessness. This article explores actions by Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, the significance of Bangladeshi illegal immigration as a driver, and what a register of citizens in Assam might mean for India.

Policy Briefs
July 2006
By  Michael Fix and Neeraj Kaushal
Photo of India gate in Delhi, India featuring names of protestors killed in anti-Citizenship Act demonstrations

The Modi government's push for a Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens sparked deadly riots and chilled India's 200 million Muslims, who fear being relegated to second-class citizenship—and for some, even statelessness. This article explores actions by Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, the significance of Bangladeshi illegal immigration as a driver, and what a register of citizens in Assam might mean for India.